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→ History, Memoirs & Biographies → Food, Art , Fashion and Lifestyle → Psychology, Meditation & Motivational Self- Help → Professional Development → Nature & Environment → Health & Wellness → Parenting → Children → Business & EconomicsThe A-Z of Early Career Teaching is a one-stop shop for those in the early stages of their teaching career, organised around the 26 letters of the English alphabet.
This book is about how to be a teacher - and in particular, how to be a teacher at the start of your career. It is about the all-round experience of being a teacher, of what it means to exist and thrive in schools on a daily basis, from week to week and term to term. It doesn't overlook the things that more experienced teachers can easily take for granted and that too often remain unspoken.
What does it take to be a teacher in the broadest sense? A teacher who is clear-eyed about the challenges and difficulties of the job, who experiences its usual ups and downs, who is always aware of the ways in which they could improve their practice, but who loves their job nonetheless. This book aims to offer some answers.
'So look up from the individual trees and see the whole wood. Because in teaching, today is always yesterday before you know it, and on balance that's a good thing - there's no time for either despair or complacency. Yesterday exists to allow us to learn from our disappointments and build upon our successes. And that's entirely healthy.'
Harry Hudson
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