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→ History, Memoirs & Biographies → Food, Art , Fashion and Lifestyle → Psychology, Meditation & Motivational Self- Help → Professional Development → Nature & Environment → Health & Wellness → Parenting → Children → Business & EconomicsStrategies, techniques and ideas come and go in education, but feedback will always be an important aspect of effective teaching, learning and assessment. Feedback should be helpful and actionable, and pupils must embrace it, but the reality is that this doesn't always happen. Pupils receive feedback on a daily basis, from their teachers and peers, so how can we make sure it helps rather than hinders learning? This book aims to answer that key question and provide a wide range of practical examples for the classroom.
Feedback: strategies to support teacher workload and improve pupil progress, the latest book by bestselling author Kate Jones, explores a variety of evidence-informed and workload-friendly feedback strategies. Jones examines the ingredients of effective feedback, shows what actionable feedback looks like in practice, explores verbal feedback approaches, advises on peer and self-assessment, and on harnessing technology to support teacher workload. Fascinating case studies reveal how classroom teachers and school leaders across primary and secondary are implementing feedback in their settings.
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